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While many security solutions focus on the files and codes utilised by virus definitions, adaptive security changes this approach entirely. Rather than focusing on said files and codes, adaptive security is all about safeguarding systems by recognising behaviours that indicate a threat or risk.
With adaptive security, layers upon layers of security are implemented to facilitate the evolution of visibility, prevention, and detection of threats to create an ongoing secure environment.
The Early Days of Adaptive Security
In 2008, the term “adaptive security” was coined by Sun Microsystems, a company that Oracle later acquired. The security solution was designed not to detect threats when they have already occurred but to anticipate and respond accordingly. Along with this, the system was designed to reduce the damage, recovery time, and more that coincides with an attack.
As one may be able to tell, adaptive security was based on our body’s immune system. Our biological system is designed to adapt to the ongoing changes of conditions and respond dynamically. Adaptive security imitates this, implementing several components that can run alone without relying on other components to ensure survival.
The Advantages of Adaptive Security
There are plenty of advantages that entities can enjoy with adaptive security:
1.It helps to contain threats when they happen, reduce the time dealing with the threat, and stop the threat from spreading.
2.It helps prevent data from being stolen and helps to identify any breaches that have occurred.
3.Adaptive security helps avoid a monoculture environment to create a more dynamic environment where many entities can survive without the other.
It is the complexity of adaptive security that makes it challenging for attackers to penetrate its layers, helping to keep whatever entity it is protecting safe and sound.
How to Properly Implement Adaptive Security
While the exact implementation method can differ from one use case to the other, the stages of adaptive security are as follows: predict, prevent, respond, and defect.
Under the predicted stage, assessments are carried out with a current security system to anticipate possible attacks. Once these risks are found out, it is then implemented into the system.
In the prevent stage, systems are isolated from each other and then toughened up with security. This ensures that if one system fails, the other isn’t affected, helping to limit and even prevent security breaches.
The response stage, on the other hand, pertains to the investigation of the occurrence of an attack and adapting the policies to ensure the attack doesn’t occur again. Finally, the defect stage revolves around prioritising risks that damage the entity and then learning about how to contain them.
With these four stages combined, any entity can create a solid adaptive security strategy to respond to any threat.
No matter the industry you are in, having an adaptive security solution is vital to surviving in today’s digital world. With threats coming from every direction, being able to know where the next attack will come from and what must be done to prevent it can be the difference between surviving the next few years or closing down in the next few weeks.
That said if you have yet to implement adaptive security solutions for your business, do so right away. Digital attacks are becoming harder to prevent, and only through identifying the present risks and adapting to them can you ensure your company’s safety.
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Written by Daniele Paoletti