Sustainability | Agrotech | Informatics (Pvt) Limited
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After reaching great heights in the ICT sector in Sri Lanka, Informatics ventured into the Agricultural Sector in 1989 by setting up Informatics Agrotech Private Ltd. in the Mahaweli System ‘C’ area. With the vision to promote sustainability and to empower the farming communities, Informatics founder and current Chairman Dr. Gamini Wickramasinghe pioneered this adventurous undertaking into the Agriculture sector.

A BOI-approved company planting over 1000 acres of land of Cashew, Coconut and Timber. Cash crop of Banana, Pineapple and Papaya have been planted as well as Mango, Orange and Lime as medium-term crops.

A distinctive feature of Agrotech is the large number of valuable timber such as Teak and Mahogany which can be seen in abundance in the land. Informatics Agrotech is the first and only Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified plantation in Sri Lanka and South East Asia for Teak, Mahogany, Cashew & Coconut.

The initiative was the first in Sri Lanka to introduce large scale drip irrigation and currently new products are being evaluated in terms of sustainable cultivation such as Dendro power & Jatropha farming.

In addition, Agrotech also released cattle from slaughterhouses as a meritorious act, which has now turned into a dairy project.