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Some of you who are involved in development work may have heard the term “composable application”. Composable applications play an important role in an era of rapid and accurate development. This is a term that you should definitely know.
In this article, I’ll explain what composable applications are, their features, and the benefits of using them.
What is a composable application?
Composable applications are characterized by being able to provide services in a short period of time by combining “packaged business functions” (PBC) prepared in advance for each function.
Three characteristics of composable applications
Composable applications have characteristics not often found in other systems. Knowing what kind of features they have is effective in advancing system development. Here, three main features are picked up and explained.
• A combination of functions for a purpose
A composable application is a combination of PBCs for the purpose of the system. Each PBC stands alone as a single function, such as database and report generation, contracts, and expense processing.
PBC can be used in multiple systems. By combining PBCs that meet the purpose, we can provide a high-quality system without having to develop everything ourselves.
• Can be reconfigured as needed
Composable applications are also reconfigurable. You can change the combination by adding or removing PBCs as needed. For example, additional functions can be added by adding new PBCs. If a better PBC is released, it can be handled by replacing the PBC.
This is a big difference from scratch development, and it can flexibly and quickly respond to business changes.
• Cloud and APIs are often used
Many composable applications also run on the cloud. By utilizing the cloud, PBC can be used regardless of the location of the office, and the optimum system for business can be constructed.
In addition, APIs are often used. Since the independence of each function is high, it is possible to reduce the impact on other functions even if one function is changed.
Benefits of Leveraging Composable Applications
The utilization of composable applications brings various benefits to system development. Let’s take a look at the top benefits here.
• Can reduce man-hours and costs, and can be delivered in a short period of time
Unlike scratch development, composable applications don’t start from scratch. We combine already completed PBCs to create a product that meets the customer’s needs. It can be said that the main task is to assemble the completed parts.
The reduction in development effort reduces the number of man-hours and costs, making it possible to deliver products in a short period of time. The ability to respond to the needs of companies that are forced to respond to rapid changes is a major advantage. It is one of the solutions that can provide a system that adapts to changing times.
• Can be developed without relying on veteran engineers
Composable applications are often less difficult to develop because there are fewer new parts to develop. No need to rely on experienced engineers. Even a team of inexperienced people can still deliver a quality product. It can be said that it is one of the effective development methods in that it can meet the expectations of customers even in the midst of difficulty in hiring.
• Easy to do offshore development
One of the merits is that it is easy to choose “offshore development”, which entrusts system development to overseas companies. Language tends to be a barrier in offshore development. If there is a difference in perception between the two, it can lead directly to a decline in quality.
Composable applications reduce the amount of communication in development itself. It is possible to prevent deterioration of quality because we can carry out each communication carefully. It can be said that it is a method to boost collaboration overseas.
By utilizing composable applications, it is possible to develop a high-quality system in a short period of time. It can be said that it is a development method that matches the times when a rapid response to changes and reduction of development costs are required.
Some development engineers may feel disappointed that “the real thrill of development work is diminished”. However, in business development, the first priority is to meet the needs of the client. Composable applications are likely to be essential to engineers in the future, just as libraries have become essential to stopping the reinvention of the wheel.
Written by Daniele Paoletti