Informatics Launches Bilingual ID Card System in Sri Lanka
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  4. Informatics Launches Bilingual ID Card System in Sri Lanka
Informatics successfully enables the roll-out of Bilingual ID cards for all Sri Lankans

Having successfully deployed many innovative solutions for E-Government and Citizen Services in multiple countries, Informatics is proud to be the technology provider for the roll-out of the Bilingual ID card for Sri Lankans. With the implementation of this end-to-end solution (InfoID), the Department of Registration of Persons in Sri Lanka kicked off the issuance of the much-awaited bilingual identity card system last year. Having successfully completed 1 year of live operations, the system offers a host of unique features and benefits.

Problems faced prior to implementation of InfoID:

Features/Benefits after the implementation of InfoID:

As the secondary phase of this project, the facility to inquire NIC application status via SMS will also be provided to the general public in the near future.